Welcome to Nevertheless...
In 2021, Kevin and Jody Munshaw were married and began our adventure of a lifetime!! Through a journey of healing, we discovered that the keynote of our lives was to be the theme of Nevertheless!!! It doesn't matter where you came from, what your circumstances were or what's been spoken over you, Nevertheless, you can accomplish anything that's been put on your heart. We are here to inspire others to make bold moves in their lives and continue to grow closer to becoming the person you were meant to be!! Nevertheless....YOU GET TO DECIDE!!
Upcoming Projects
India - January 2025
We are beyond thrilled to be invited to India in January of 2025. While there, we will be partnering with the organization, Entrepreneurial Leadership Development, teaching local leaders business principles that can be shared with members of their congregation so that they can be successful and support the local outreach efforts.
With the support of ELD project donors, they are able to provide start-up capital for viable business ideas and are submitted to the local partner for review and endorsement. It is their intent that all funds flow through our partners, thus eliminating any idea that funds are coming in from outside sources. Our local partners provide the accountability for the loan repayment to be used for future business startups.
Kevin and Jody will be going to give hands on teaching and working with students as they build their business plans for their ideas.
Stay tuned for more details and impact stories!!
Frequently Asked Questions
"Get up and stand to your feet, for I have appeared to you to reveal your destiny..."
Acts 26:16
Contact us
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